Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #7

This thing overwhelmed me. There is so much to see and do that I could probably spend a whole week here, but I don't have that long -- will have to come back later and explore even more. The link to my Google Reader page is below, and it would be a great place for teachers and librarians to post links to blogs and other feeds that their students would find interesting. I added some links to the YA lit Mad Chatter Blog and children's lit Teri Lesesne's Blog.

I posted a calendar for an imaginary book club at an imaginary school, Big Cove Elementary. This would be quite helpful to keep everyone informed about meetings, and of course you could create a blog to host the discussions of the books. I did not like making this calendar public since the whole world knows my email address now, but I guess I can just change it after this class is over. What will be helpful is restricting it to the students' emails who want to participate. If you search the public folders and type in Jennifer Padgett, you can find my book club calendar and description.

All of this online communication makes me wonder how much longer we will be meeting in the classroom. We can have a book club with a student from Iceland. Homebound students could benefit tremendously from these tools. If you've read Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083, a Bluebonnet nominee by Andrea White from a couple of years ago, you might be wondering how much longer our society will be able to afford face-to-face meetings as well.

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